Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Our First Craft Market.

We finally made it!!!!!

I booked our first market with a bit of trepidation......would we have enough stock to make our stall look professional????  Would people like what we made????  Would I be able to get out of bed early enough to make it to Hanging Rock on time????

Well, I made it there in plenty of time and was even able to have three children organised as well.  It does help that my husband was looking forward to a day climbing Hanging Rock and eating yummy gourmet market food!!!!

We did have enough stock to fill three tables plus a bit more left over to fill the spaces as we sold out.  (Well, that was the plan!!) 

 And, people did like our work.  We had many compliments during the day, sold a bit of our work and came home with a few new contacts and some real possibilities for the future.  We also now know what sells and what parents are looking for.

 This market was a great learning curve for us both and we are looking forward to doing it all over again.  With maybe sides on our marquee to keep out the wind.  And a huge supply of hot tea to keep us going all day.

Paula is just waiting for the next phone call to say, "I have booked ............ market.  Let's go!!!!"

Don't forget to look out for us at the next market you go to.  We just might be there.  If you do see us, come and say hi.  We may even share our tea with you!!!!


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